مقاله رایگان با موضوع سیستم جبران خدمات متغیر


عنوان مقاله: 

ابعاد و اثرات اقتضایی تغییرات سیستم جبران خدمات متغیر

Dimensions and contingent effects of variable compensation system changes

سال انتشار: 2016

رشته: مدیریت

گرایش: مدیریت کسب و کار - بازاریابی - مدیریت استراتژیک

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مقالات جدید بازاریابی

3. Conceptual foundations

3.1. Motivation and expectancy theory Compensation systems are widely recognized as a key driver of sales force motivation and are a necessity to incentivize the sales force to exert effort in the absence of perfect monitoring (Brown et al., 2005). Salespeople are highly responsive to financial incentives and their levels of effort fluctuate according to changes in the payment levels provided through the compensation system (Darmon, 1987). Thus, the theoretical frameworks of motivation and expectancy are particularly useful in supporting relationships resulting from the structure of the variable compensation system and its elements of change. Expectancy theory is commonly discussed in research on sales force motivation and designing effective compensation systems (Brown et al., 2005; Flaherty & Pappas, 2002; Lopez et al., 2006). Expectancy theory indicates salespeople pursue actions that lead to valued rewards resulting from goal attainment (Vroom, 1964; Walker, Churchill, & Ford, 1977). Salespeople"s motivation to expend effort on a given task will depend on (1) the likelihood that the induced effort will affect performance, (2) estimates regarding the extent to which performance will lead to a reward, and (3) the salesperson"s valence for the rewards (Lopez et al., 2006; Walker et al., 1977). However, change via the compensation system influences expectations and instrumentalities within the salesperson"s environment (Turnasella, 1994), not in a vacuum. This study aims to test the effects of VCSCs under varying environmental conditions in order to test their motivational and expectancy effects on salesperson attitudinal responses (i.e., job satisfaction) and effort (i.e., performance). Specifically, with these three components of expectancy theory in place, the result of an organizational change to the variable compensation system is brought into question. While the frequency, magnitude, and implementation speed of the VCSCs will uniquely influence the salesperson"s expectancy that the newly desired directed effort will result in performance and the extent to which that performance will lead to rewards, as well as the salesperson"s capability to meet these new demands, the acceptance of the VCSCs will underlie these relationships. A factor that may specifically influence this degree of expectancy and acceptance is the interaction of the change dimensions with environmental conditions predicating their perceived necessity. 

4. Methodology

To better understand the contingent effects of VCSC dimensions on salesperson performance and job satisfaction, a sample comprised of salespeople from different companies was requisite. Surveying salespeople from one company would not provide variance on organizational- and industry-level variables important to this examination (e.g., competitive intensity, technological turbulence). Accordingly, a nationally representative sample comprised of B2B salespeople from different organizations and industries was obtained from an online respondent panel organization. Recruited participants were required to meet several criteria to warrant inclusion in the sample. First, they had to be employed in a full-time sales position. This requirement was to insure they had sufficient exposure to and knowledge of their company and its policies. Second, only B2B salespeople were allowed to participate. While business-toconsumer selling applications are important, B2B sales positions are generally more strategic in nature and are more aligned with the idea of VCSC and its felt effects. Third, participants were required to have a portion of their compensation be variable in nature. Salespeople with fully fixed compensation structures cannot comment on variable compensation plans. Fourth, participants were required to have experienced at least one change in their variable compensation plan (commission and/or bonus) in the past 48 months in order to comment on the change focus of this examination. Finally, participants could not be selfemployed as this examination focuses on actions taken by the organization affecting the employed salesperson. As such, this sample is intended to generalize to the population of full-time B2B salespeople in organizations utilizing a variable-pay component in their compensation mix


سیستم های جبران خدمات به عنوان یکی از بهترین محرک ها برای انگیزش فروشندگان تلقی می شوند. هدف سازمان ها همسویی محرک های جبران خدمات با استراتژی های سازمانی است، تا اقدامات در سطح بالا با اجرای در سطح پایین یکپارچه شود، که غالبا مستلزم تعدیل و سازگاری دوره ای است تا شرایط بازار متغیر را منعکس کند. با این وجود، این موضوع که تا چه اندازه تغییرات سیستم جبران خدمات متغیر(VCSCs) بر نتایج نگرشی و عملکردی فروشندگان تاثیر می گذارد، ناشناخته است. نویسندگان با استفاده از نمونه ای شامل 306 فروشنده کسب و کار به کسب و کار، به مطالعه اثرات شرطی VCSC می پردازند. نویسندگان به طور خاص، یک ارزیابی چند بعدی از VCSC ایجاد می کنند- تکرار، بزرگی و سرعت پیاده سازی- و بر اساس دو شرایط محیطی - آشفتگی فناوری و شدت رقابت- به بررسی تاثیر هر بعد بر رضایت و عملکرد شغلی فروشندگان می پردازند. یافته ها که بیانگر ترکیبی از اثرات شدید و خفیف است، محققان بعدی را قادر می سازد، این موضوع را بهتر درک کنند که تحت چه شرایطی VCSC ها بر عملکرد و نگرش های فروشندگان تاثیر میگذارند.