مقاله رایگان با موضوع چارچوب معماری شرکت ها
عنوان مقاله:
سال انتشار: 2006
رشته: مدیریت - مهندسی فناوری اطلاعات
گرایش: معماری سازمانی - مدیریت کسب و کار
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مقالات جدید مهندسی فناوری اطلاعات
A proposed method for comparison of eafs
To compare the existing frameworks, we must first define what an ‘enterprise architecture framework’ is for the sake of our comparison. The definition utilized for this study, as stated earlier, is: A tool that can be used for developing a broad range of architectures for capturing the needed information in an enterprise.The framework also provides a vehicle for accessing, organizing, and displaying that information. We also define two key elements of enterprise architecture as. A definition of the deliverables that the .architecting activity should produce;. A description of the method by which this is done.There are many challenges in comparing EAFs.We will list several of them.Some of the frameworks have a very specific scope and therefore are applicable to those applications.There are frameworks that apply to a specific application or development methodology, for example object oriented development or distributed systems. Some frameworks are truly enterprise oriented and some are specific to the development of the IT system only. In order to overcome above challenges, we decided to compare the frameworks based upon their views, their abstractions, and their coverage of the Systems Development Life Cycle.
Comparison with the Systems Development Life Cycle It is very important to address whether or not the framework encompasses the entire Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The frameworks presented can be compared to the 5 phases commonly used in SDLC models: Planning, Analysis, Design, Implementation, and Maintenance. Overall, the frameworks do not specify HOW the system is to be developed, i.e., tools and work products, and in general are weighted towards planning and analysis, ensuring that all views are addressed.The frameworks provide the guidance that is then implemented in the SDLC.One might question how the scope/planner and the subcontractor views are incorporated into the SDLC? Those aspects of the framework assist the enterprise in minimizing those risks as outlined earlier, when one may not view the enterprise in its entirety, i.e., designing a system that doesn’t meet the underlying objective. The ‘view’ will determine the requirements necessary in order to be deemed successful. As discussed previously, the frameworks tend to be heavy on the planning, since their objective is more to provide guidance. It was found that most if not all frameworks were weak in addressing the maintenance of an information system.
در چارچوب معماری شرکت ها (EAF) ، تمام فرآیندهای پیشرفت نرم افزار در شرکت و چگونگی ارتباط و تعامل برای انجام ماموریت های شرکتی ترسیم می شوند. این چارچوب، سازمان هایی را شکل می دهد که دارای توانایی درک و تحلیل و همچنین شناسایی نقاط ضعف یا بی ثباتی ها می باشند. چندین چارچوب معرفی شده EAF امروزه مورد استفاده هستند که بعضی از این چارچوب ها برای موارد بسیار خاص هستند، در حالی که بعضی دیگر نیز کاربردهای گسترده تر دارند. در این تحقیق، مقایسه ای از چند چارچوب انجام شده است که می توانند به عنوان راهنمای انتخاب EAF متناسب با معیارهای مورد نیاز استفاده شوند.