مقاله رایگان با موضوع توسعه فعالیت های اقتصادی


عنوان مقاله:

اخلاق و فرهنگ سازمانی-عناصر کلیدی در زمینه توسعه فعالیت های اقتصادی

Ethics And Organizational Culture – Key Elements Regarding The Development Of Economic Activities

سال انتشار: 2016

رشته: مدیریت 

گرایش: مدیریت منابع انسانی - مدیریت کسب و کار

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مقالات جدید مدیریت منابع انسانی

Corporate responsibility

 Reputation is considered the image that the society perceives regarding a company or organization. Reputation is closely related to the trust capital granted to the business partners and to the social sphere in general. Building a solid reputation can be achieved through socially responsible actions (Sandu, A., 2009), since moral behaviour is considered one of the main strategies of the company within the markets. Nowadays the focus is laid increasingly more on the social and environmental aspects; this is why most speeches and public debates refer to these issues. The concept of corporate social responsibility arose as a result of several economic practices that affected the social sphere; they thought that the absence of a legal framework allowed for the violation of the moral norms. In the developed countries, where there are legal norms, companies and organizations comply with them; however, in some developing countries the legal framework allows the performance of fraudulent or at least immoral actions. Today, social responsibility (Sandu, A., 2012) is based on elements such as transparency, orientation towards innovation, broad vision, verifiability and continuous improvement (Moneva, J., 2005); it is believed that socially responsible behaviour is measured through the sustainability of the organizations’ activities. The social responsibility of the firms involves a new model of productive relationships, interconnections between the public and private strategies, and involvement of the various agents within the socioeconomic system (Perez Gonzales, M.C., Blanco Canto, M., Tocino, M., 2013). Responsibility involves an internal and external compromise; for this reason, as an element of continuous improvement within the organizational dynamics, adapting to the endogenous factors and agents is essential. The evolution of corporate social responsibility involves social marketing issues, and a new management area within the company’s organization chart.

Corporate culture and the competitive environment

Within a constantly changing society, a strong corporate culture that integrates ethics in all its activities is essential. We are stating this because the focus is often laid on obtaining profit, not on the values that should lead the organization towards success over a long period of time, while at company level the employee’s commitment and loyalty towards the company start to fall after less than six months from the date of employment, and after maximum two years many employees start considering the possibility of changing the job (Rogojanu, A., Badea, L., 2009). This happens most often due to lack of values, the lack of motivation and implicitly the lack of performance, since a drop in the company’s revenues that is visible to the employees may reduce their efficiency. Development and performance are extremely important, especially for start-up companies, and the entrepreneurs" perception regarding the business environment includes, among others, the ability to solve problems (Nicolescu, O., Nicolescu, C., 2013). However, when it comes to competition, we must keep in mind the fact that the human resources make the difference between success and failure because: - Commercials are made by PR specialists – thus, human resources - Sales are made by sales specialists - thus, human resources - Purchases are made by the purchasing department, which is composed of human resources, etc.


هدف از این مقاله، تجزیه و تحلیل فرهنگ سازمانی در محیط کسب وکار است. این مقاله معیارهای اخلاقی کارآفرینان و نحوه ارتباط آن‌ها با مصرف کننده و روش های تقویت ارزش های اخلاقی را تجزیه و تحلیل می کند، به طوری که نتیجه نهایی فعالیت اقتصادی، با استفاده از پایداری و سود اقتصادی نمایش داده می شود. فکر می کنیم لازم است اشاره کنیم که ترویج اخلاقی یک شرکت در جامعه ای که دائما در حال تغییر است، می تواند سرمایه اعتماد مورد نیاز را تضمین کند. در این زمینه، مسئولیت شرکتی یک عنصر کلیدی است که هم پایداری شرکت و هم پایداری روابط با شرکای کسب وکار را تضمین می کند.در دیدگاه ما، یک فرهنگ سازمانی قوی باید مسئولیت و اصول اخلاقی را در تمام فعالیت های خود ادغام کند، چرا که غالبا در شرکت ها بر کسب سود تمرکز می شود، نه بر ارزش هایی که باید سازمان را به سمت موفقیت طولانی مدت هدایت کند. از آنجا که جامعه اطلاعات مثبت و منفی در مورد هر شرکت یا سازمان ارائه می کند، باید بر اصول اخلاقی و مسئولیت منابع انسانی نسبت به محیط بیرونی شرکت تمرکز شود. ما فکر کردیم که مطرح کردن این مسئله مناسب خواهد بود، زیرا در کشور ما مسئله ایجاد یک فرهنگ سازمانی در مرحله اولیه خود قرار دارد و هدف اغلب کارآفرینان تنها کسب سود کوتاه مدت است. هزینه ها و مالیات ها سنگین هستند و معمولا قوانین سخت، جایگزین هایی را ارائه نمی کنند؛ بنابراین، فرد باید این واقعیت را در نظر بگیرد که سود واقعی با مزایای کوتاه مدت ایجاد نمی شود، بلکه با مزایای حاصل از یک روش ثابت، در دوره های زمانی میان مدت به دست می آید.