مقاله رایگان با موضوع ایجاد دولت آزاد


عنوان مقاله:

ایجاد کردن دولت آزاد

Building open government

سال انتشار: 2010 

رشته: مدیریت

گرایش: مدیریت دولتی

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مقالات جدید مدیریت

3. Laws and Regulations Underpinning Open Government

As noted previously, the Obama Administration built their initiatives on a base of existing law and regulation, much of which is little known to the general public or even to advocates of openness in the federal government. This article reviews what Moynihan would call the counterculture to bureaucratic secrecy, which has been established for primarily non-national-security information: the statutory and regulatory frameworks that serve to make government processes somewhat more accountable, that regulate public access to government-held information.

3.1. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) 3.1.1. 1980 PRA The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (PRA, 1980), gave the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) the authority and responsibility for a broad range of responsibilities related to information management. The Act was one of the most far-reaching, and least known,10 federal information laws on the books. The six primary purposes of the Act in 1980 were: (a) to minimize the federal paperwork burden for individuals, small businesses, state and local governments, and other persons; (b) to minimize the cost to the Federal Government of collecting, maintaining, using, and disseminating information; (c) maximize the usefulness of information collected by the Federal Government; (d) to coordinate, integrate, and, to the extent practicable and appropriate, make uniform federal information policies and practices; (e) to ensure that automatic data processing and telecommunications technologies are acquired and used by the Federal Government in a manner that improves service delivery and program management, increases productivity, reduces waste and fraud, and, wherever practicable and appropriate, reduces information processing burden for the Federal Government and for persons who provide information to the Federal Government; and (f) to ensure that the collection, maintenance, use, and dissemination of information by the Federal Government is consistent with applicable laws relating to confidentiality, including the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. 552a) (PRA, 1980). The Act was first amended in 1986. The amendments added a seventh purpose to the Act: to maximize the usefulness of information collected and disseminated by the Federal Government. Both the Reagan (1980 Act) and the G. W. H. Bush (1986 amendments) administrations and their congressional supporters viewed information an economic resource, rather than a public good. Thus, what those of us in the public access community would understand as “usefulness”–e.g., the ability of the government and the public to use the information–was here understood only in terms of whether the agency needed to collect the information (i.e., what agency function it fulfilled and what burden it constituted on those required to respond to the government"s information collection requests). The term “information resources management” was defined to include agency dissemination of information. In addition to the Director of OMB, agencies were made responsible for implementing government-wide and agency information policies, principles, standards, and guidelines, and for periodically evaluating and, as needed, improving the accuracy, completeness, and reliability of data and records contained within the federal information systems. (PRA, 1980).


در اولین روز کامش در دفتر، رییس جمهور باراک اوباما یک دستور در رابطه با شفافیت و دولت آزاد تصویب کرد که باعث شد مدیران دولتی، پیشنهاداتی را ارائه کنند تا سیستمی دارای ویژگی های شفافیت، مشارکت عمومی و همکاری ایجاد شود. به صورت کلی، این پیشنهادات قرار بود که برای ایجاد کردن دستور کاری یک دولت آزاد مورد استفاده قرار بگیرد که به سازمان ها دستور می داد تا خودشان را به صورتی تغییر دهند تا به سازمان هایی شفاف تر، با همکاری و مشارکت بیشتر تبدیل شوند. رییس جمهور همچنین یک دستور را در رابطه با قانون آزادی اطلاعات (FOIA) تصویب کرد. این دستورات ابتکار عمل رییس جمهور اوباما یا همکاران و دستیاران او نبود ( ویا حتی از ارتش سازمانی و یا افرادی که به او مشاوره می دادند) بلکه تمام این دستورات ریشه در قانون و مقررات دارند و ما در این مقاله، می خواهیم همین مبنای قانونی را بررسی کنیم.